University of Paderborn

The research group C.I.K. at the University of Paderborn (UPB) is one of the leading german institutes for research on civil safety and security as an interdisciplinary research group, the C.I.K. builds the bridge between civil rescue organisations, transportation service providers and end-user organisations in numerous projects. The gained expertise is the foundation for novel research topics in the context of emergency planning, coordination support, training and decision support. The C.I.K. has successfully finished and is currently working in a wide variety of projects on national and european level.

PRONTO (FP7-ICT) an event-based support system for intelligent resource management for emergency rescue operations has been developed. LAGE (funded by Federal Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF)) analysed various emergency operations with a special focus on semantic interoperability. MobisPro (funded by Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWI)) did research within the field of fire control and fire prevention trying to support decision makers along the whole process, a dedicated focus was on the definition and assessment of information quality within these processes. More information about finished projects can be found on the website.

RescueLab (BMBF) aims to develop innovative education and training in the field of civil protection. C.I.K. focuses on the basic investigation and evaluation of IT-supported possibilities for the analysis of training exercises and the visualisation of the respective data methods. Interkom (BMBF) does research on inter-council concepts to enhance the resilience in conurbations. In this project, C.I.K. researches on a concept to interconnect emergency management services on process level in order to enhance the exchange of services. Furthermore C.I.K. develops a concept for situation based relevance assessment of processes based on publically available data. In the demonstration project SECUR-ED (FP7-SEC) the objective is to provide a set of tools to improve urban transport security. C.I.K. is focusing on the concept of a simulation and modelling platform. SecInCore (FP7-SEC) C.I.K. is mainly responsible for the analysis of representative data sets for past disaster events and systematic process analysis based on unified incident command systems.

Until today the C.I.K. has successfully coordinated several projects on national level, f.i. OrGaMIR, GenoPlan, MobisPro, OrGaMIR-Plus. Currently the C.I.K. is coordinating several projects on national and European level, f.i. EmerGent, SecInCore (both FP7-SEC) and Interkom (BMBF).

C.I.K. contributes with knowledge based on the following specific research and work priorities:

  • Definition, measurement and assessment of data and information quality
  • Data modelling and process analysis
  • IT-supported reconstruction and analysis of emergency operations
  • Expertise in the field of requirements engineering and user-oriented evaluation in the field of civil safety and security

Role in the project

C.I.K. is the project coordinator of EmerGent. The main contribution beside the project management (WP1) is as the leader of WP4 in the field of data and information quality (T4.3: Definition and prioritising of criteria and indicators) and the definition of a semantic data model (T4.1). Enhanced data visualisation and filtering as well as routing of information (T4.5, T5.5) are further research emphases. As a strong research partner C.I.K. supports the definition of concepts for impact assessment (WP2), the analysis phases (WP3) and the organisation of workshops with groups of experts. Furthermore, C.I.K. contributes to the requirements engineering and is mainly responsible for the user-oriented evaluation. The findings will be presented regularly on international conferences, workshops and events (WP7).


Therese Habig,