Alexis Gizikis, Iratxe Gomez Susaeta, Thomas Spielhofer, Gasper Bizjak
This document describes the EmerGent final workshop that was organised during the 2017 Annual Conference of the “Vereinigung für Gefahrstoff- und Brandschutzforschung”[1] (VGBF), in Salzburg. Building on the activities of the previous two workshops with EmerGent’s End user Advisory Board (EAB), members of the EAB participated in the conference and together with other participants provided feedback on the first demonstration of the EmerGent ICT solutions, the ES interface and the mobile app. The deliverable describes the organisation of the workshop, the presentations and the demonstration of the ICT tools in a simulated incident, which was based on data and events of a previous real incident. The presentations covered the ongoing research in the project about the attitudes of end users towards social media for emergency management, the impact of social media, the components of the ICT tools that make EmerGent unique (gathering, filtering, grouping and quality assessment) and the EmerGent guidelines to increase the benefit of social media in emergencies. Feedback from the participants and the discussion during the workshop are described.
[1] Hazardous Materials and Fire Safety Research Association
Purpose of the Document
The purpose of this deliverable is to describe the activities and report the outcomes of the EmerGent final workshop between 14th and 15th February 2017, in Salzburg, Austria. Additionally, this deliverable contributes to the high-level objectives of EmerGent as described in the Description of Work.