
D3.5 has been finalized

This document gives an updated description of the “requirements engineering methodology” applied in EmerGent. The document also presents second version of user requirements for including social media in the emergency management for both ES and citizens. Further information are available in the summary of the Deliverable.

EmerGent @ VGBF annual conference on social media and gis

The “Vereinigung für Gefahrstoff- und Brandschutzforschung“ (VGBF) is an association dedicated to research dangerous material and fire prevention in Salzburg, Austria. During this year’s annual conference, the use of geographical information systems (GIS) was presented and how social media can be a potential addition to them. The resulting synergy effects were presented during the conference. The EmerGent project and latest results of the research about the utility of social media for the emergency services were also presented. In addition, the representatives of the project participated and helped to form a workshop about the use of social media for the civil hazard prevention.

D6.2 has been finalized

In this deliverable a concept is established regarding validation and verification in EmerGent. Main findings can be found in the summary listed in the Publications part of our website.

Second Meeting of the End-User-Advisory Board (EAB)

The End-User-Advisory Board has met on the 18th November in Vienna, Austria in order to discuss the current scientific and  technical status of EmerGent.


Presentation of EmerGent at CAP workshop

The CAP implementation workshop is the most important event for organisations that worldwide make use (or plan to use) of the OASIS CAP protocol. This year event was held in Rome at the Istituto Superiore Anticendi of the Italian Fire corps. In the framework of the presentation jointly made by IES Solutions and the Civil Protection of Sicily Region, EMERGENT has been introduced as a project that, dealing with social media, delivers CAP messages in PSAP control rooms.
You may see the recording of the presentation here.

Deliverables about technical components have been finalized

Deliverables 5.4 and 5.5 have been finished by the EmerGent consortium. The Topics dealt with refer to Information gathering (D5.4) and Information Routing (D5.5). You can have a closer look on the summaries in the Publications part of our website.

Emergency Services’ use of Social Media in Emergencies

We conducted a survey for Emergency Services to evaluate Social Media in emergency situations. Now you can find a graphical presentation of our findings from the survey under Press Releases.

For more information click HERE.

Our first Newsletter is available

Our first newsletter representing the findings of the first year has
been sent out and is available here:

Please register to achieve our next newsletter coming soon:

EmerGent at the Open Source Intelligence Dissemination on 8th of July

EmerGent will be presented at the Open Source Intelligence Dissemination Conference in Rome on 8th of July.

More Information can be found here.

EmerGent at the ISCRAM EU Project Symposium

We are proud to present the EmerGent project and our objectives on the EU Project Symposium at the ISCRAM conference at 27th May 2015.