EENA is a Brussels-based NGO established in 1999 towards the achievement and promotion of high-quality emergency services on behalf of the citizens of Europe. EENA has a powerful network of members to which the on-going activities and results of EmerGent will be disseminated. Currently The Emergency Services Staff Network (ESSN) gathers individuals working for emergency services or relevant public authorities in order to foster sharing of experience and best practices. Membership is open to emergency services staff such as Police, Fire, Ambulance, Civil Protection, Emergency Response Centres and relevant ministries. With the largest European network of emergency services with 710 members from 43 European Countries. EENA organises regular webmeetings with working groups of the ESSN and industrial members of the EENA Advisory Board, where issue related to the use of social media in emergencies will be presented and discussed.
Moreover, EENA organises every year a European Workshop dedicated to Emergency Services where EmerGent will be widely disseminated. EENA contributes with knowledge based on the following specific research and work priorities:
- Knowledge of user and end-user requirements;
- Out-reach capacity and networking capability to promote the objectives and findings of the project
Role in the project
Principally EENA will lead the Work Package on “Guidelines, Dissemination, Exploitation and Ethics” and specifically the dissemination of the project findings and results. EENA will also support other tasks within WP7 towards the campaign of engaging with Users and the use of the use if the set of tools for the future adoption of social media.
EENA will also be heavily focused on WP2 which is around the impact of social media by emergency services today. EENA will lead the task involved in the organisation and execution of user-based workshops with groups of selected experts.
EENA will be also involved in a supporting capacity within WP3 which is focused on the analysis of social media in emergencies today and tomorrow and the evidentiary examples of the custom and practice of social media in emergencies.
Tony O Brien,