Representatives of the EmerGent project participated at this years “Virtual Operations Support Teams” (VOST) and “Virtual Operations Management Teams” (VOMT) Workshop in Hamburg, Germany. During the workshop, different aspects about social media for the use of hazard prevention were discussed. The VOST intends to evaluate social media during a disaster situation to support the appraisal of the situation. This workshop was for experts and was based on the previous DGSMTech. This year the focus was at operational tactics. The insight of the EmerGent project contributed to the workshop, so that it was possible to test this during the Hamburg Marathon.
D4.2 provides an updated Semantic Data Model and a sophisticated ontology that models and processesses emergency related information semantically. Another update is handed in with D4.4 that provides unique information mining techniques transforming high quantity low quality data into high quality low quantity Information. For further information check the summaries provided in the Publication section of our web presence.