The “Vereinigung für Gefahrstoff- und Brandschutzforschung“ (VGBF) is an association dedicated to research dangerous material and fire prevention in Salzburg, Austria. During this year’s annual conference, the use of geographical information systems (GIS) was presented and how social media can be a potential addition to them. The resulting synergy effects were presented during the conference. The EmerGent project and latest results of the research about the utility of social media for the emergency services were also presented. In addition, the representatives of the project participated and helped to form a workshop about the use of social media for the civil hazard prevention.
February 2016
Project Posts
- EmerGent Review Meeting: successful project completion September 7, 2017
- D7.1 & D7.4 have been finalized July 31, 2017
- D2.4 & D6.4 have been finalized July 31, 2017
- D7.8 has been finalized June 30, 2017
- D7.2 and D7.3 have been finalized May 31, 2017
The EmerGent project
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 608352.
© Copyright EmerGent